Medical/Surgical Eyecare

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The following is general information for you to consider concerning your lens options for cataract surgery:

View of what a Restor® Intraocular lens looks like

ReSTOR® Lens

The ReSTOR® IOL (Intraocular lens) utilizes advanced lens technology to restore vision at near, far, and in between. ReSTOR® is designed to meet your lifestyle needs by providing you with a range of vision that most patients cannot achieve with a standard monofocal lens.

A multifocal lens is designed to miminize or reduce the need for glasses for most activities, such as reading, driving, watching television, or computer work. While there are several types and brands of full range lenses, the goal of any multifocal lens is to enable you to see things and perform activities at all distances with a minimal need for glasses.

During your visit, you will receive a thorough examination to evaluate if you are a good candidate for this type of IOL.

Acrysof-toric lens

AcrySof® Toric Lens

The AcrySof® Toric lens is specifically designed to address lens replacement for patients with astigmatism. Astigmatism is irregularity in the shape of the cornea (the clear window at the front of the eye), which causes blurred or distorted vision. A standard monofocal lens implant does not have the ability to correct a patient’s astigmatism. Thus, in the past, patients with a cataract and astigmatism needed glasses or contacts following surgery to correct their astigmatism and sharpen their vision. However, now it is possible to recapture quality distance vision without relying on glasses or contacts.

Today, the Toric lens makes it possible to reduce or eliminate astigmatism and significantly improve the quality of your vision following surgery. The majority of patients who have the Toric lens implanted in both eyes have no need for glasses for distance activities such as watching TV, driving, and viewing sporting events. They usually need readers for near vision activities.

We've provided a link for you to show the difference you can expect following an outpatient IOL lens replacement. CLICK HERE

The AcrySof® IOL Vision Simulator is a web-based application that runs in the browser you choose. It has been optimized to run on most modern browsers (Internet Explorer* 8 and above, Firefox*, Chrome* and Safari*).
(Please note that this application will not run on iOS** or Android** tablets or cell phones.)

Standard Monofocal Lens Option

Monofocal lenses provide clear vision for a single distance and are usually chosen to make your distance vision clear. With monofocal lens implant, even if you currently do not need to wear glasses for near vision activities, it is likely that you will need to wear glasses for near and intermediate vision tasks after surgery, such as reading the newspaper, doing crossword puzzles, dialing a phone, or working at a computer. Surgery with a monofocal IOL implant is covered by Medicare and most commercial insurance plans with standard out of pocket expenses, such as your deductible, co-pays, and/or co-insurance. This is the standard cataract surgery option.

No procedure or implant is perfect. You should discuss potential benefits, risks, limitations, and alternatives with your doctor to determine what option is best for you and your visual needs. Not everyone is a candidate for the advanced ReSTOR® or AcrySof® Toric lenses. Your doctor will determine if either of these lenses could work for you. Please ask for more information during your next visit. We look forward to seeing you!

If you choose the AcrySof® Toric Lens or the ReSTOR® IOL advanced lens, Medicare and most commercial insurance plans will cover the surgery for standard implant lens fees. However, there is an additional out-of-pocket expense above your standard deductible, co-pays, and/or co-insurance if your choose the more advanced option. Sharper Vision offers affordable, interest-free, monthly payment options to make this option more affordable for those patients. For more information on ways to help pay for these speciality lenses  CLICK HERE for more information.

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